Wooly Block Adventure 2020 was a great success and a ton of fun!
We still have patterns and kits available for our WBA block, Going to Grandma's. Thank you to the many people who downloaded and created our pattern. It was a joy to see examples of the block stitched around the world.
Going to Grandma's

If you would prefer to make a little boy rather than a girl, just sub in the boy with the included templates.
Welcome to our Wooly Block Adventure Block—Going to Grandma’s. Our little girl (or boy!) is on her way through the woods to Grandma’s house but makes a quick stop to feed a sweet little cardinal. Embroidery with three different types of fibers adds dimension to this woodland scene, and while our little girl (or boy) is going to her Grandma’s, your sign can say whatever you would like! The pattern now include templates for both a boy and a girl, depending on your preferences.
Finished block size: 8-inch square
The kit includes the complete printed pattern with templates, black wool for the background, all wool needed to complete the block, 1.5 yards of Valdani white #8 pearl cotton thread, and a snowflake button. Also included is some extra wool for an optional finishing project, the Into the Woods Runner, described below. This charming runner will take you through the winter, topping a table, the back of a couch, or the bottom of a bed.
An optional thread kits includes the threads that we used to complete the block: Weeks DyeWorks floss, crewel wool, and #8 pearl cotton; and The Gentle Art floss and wool thread.
Here is the list of the Woolen Oak Designers.
Check out their websites to see their patterns and to order kits if you would like to create the Into the Woods Runner.
Blueberry Backroads blueberrybackroads.com
Calico Patch Designs calicopatchdesigns.com
Linen Closet Designs linenclosetdesigns.bigcartel.com
My Red Door Designs myreddoordesigns.com
Red Button Quilt Co redbuttonquiltco.com
Rusty Crow rustycrow.com
Sew Cherished sewcherished.com
The Cottage Rose-Pattern Originals cottagerosequiltshop.com
The Woolen Needle thewoolenneedle.com
Through The Needle’s Eye needleseyestories.com
Traditional Primitives traditionalprimitives.com
Yellow Creek Quilt Designs yellowcreekquiltdesigns.com